Zuror Insurance

Income Table

The income thresholds to qualify for subsidies and tax credits in the Health Insurance Marketplace under Obamacare change year to year and vary depending on the state in which you live. These thresholds are based on the percentage of the federal poverty level (FPL).

Subsidies in the health insurance market: To qualify for subsidies in the marketplace, you generally must have income between 100% and 400% of the FPL. Here are approximations based on figures from the year 2023.:

  • 100% del FPL: About $13,590 for one person and $27,750 for a family of four.

If you are above the following income level you would not qualify for the ACA (Obamacare) subsidy.

  • 400% of the FPL: About $54,360 for one person and $111,000 for a family of four.

However, these numbers may vary depending on the fiscal year and state-specific regulations. It's important to check up-to-date information to get the exact income thresholds to qualify for subsidies and tax credits in your state and current tax year.

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